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随着我国经济改革的进一步深化、市场经济的快速发展和交通运输业的蓬勃发展,公安部交通管理局发布,截至2021年12月底,中国机动车保有量已达3.95亿辆。汽车改变了传统的出行方式,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利,但是交通事故呈上升趋势,事故处理的数量和难度也在增加。特别是在一些司机肇事后,为了逃避刑事和民事责任,置伤者于不顾,驾车逃逸的情况时有发生,给交通事故的认定带来了困难。因此,必须充分利用交通事故现场的痕迹物证,为处理交通事故案件提供依据;随着科学技术的发展,司法鉴定中的痕迹物证应运而生。笔者将结合多年来道路交通事故痕迹物证司法鉴定的经验和相关鉴定案例进行分析,通过司法鉴定多学科的联合,探讨道路交通事故逃逸案件中痕迹物证的作用。  相似文献   
随着我国对石油的需求不断增长,液货船舶数量不断增多,船舶操作性污染事故日益增多。文中试图分析两起发生在天津港的操作性污染事故产生的原因,浅谈目前液货船在装卸作业方面存在的安全问题,从而提出建议和对策,希望能在避免液货船操作性污染事故发生以及减少海洋环境损害方面起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
熊清平  张国伟 《中国海事》2021,(4):55-57,69
该文结合新冠肺炎疫情期间开展的两起海事调查工作,分析了在特殊情况下开展远程海事调查工作的必要性和可行性,总结了远程海事调查工作的优缺点及其适用的局限性,最后根据工作实际,对远程海事调查的应用提出了几点思考和建议。  相似文献   
为了准确判别事故多发段,有针对性地提出安全应对措施以提升道路交通的安全水平,针对零值缺失交通事故数据并考虑其异质性特点,在单零截尾负二项(ZTNB)模型的基础上建立有限混合零截尾事故预测模型(FMZTNB)。应用R软件对单零截尾负二项模型中的参数进行估计,采用马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛算法(MCMC)对FMZTNB预测模型参数进行求解,并采用Gelman-Rubin收敛统计量对抽样结果进行检查。选择事故风险水平分别为低、中和高的9个路段,分别用2种模型对交通事故次数进行预测。综合观测到的事故次数和相应的事故预测模型结果,采用经验贝叶斯方法对事故相对多发段进行判别。最后采用事故次数一致性检验、判别点段一致性检验和排序一致性检验3种检验方式对判别结果对比分析。结果表明:基于事故率的事故相对多发段判别方法存在较大的不一致性,基于零截尾负二项预测模型的路段事故相对多发判别结果明显优于基于传统负二项预测模型的结果。整体上,基于有限混合零截尾事故预测模型的事故相对多发路段的判别结果高于基于单零截尾负二项分布模型的判别结果。  相似文献   
The term ‘scenario’ is used in the safety field to designate a prototype or a model of an accident process characterised by chains of facts, actions, causal relations and consequences in terms of damage to people and property. The prototypical scenarios, properly realized, provide a basis on which to consider the action to be taken, but also a concrete backup for accident information for use in information campaigns or training. The objective of this study is to define the prototypical accident scenarios for a particular configuration of road intersection: the skewed intersection. Limited sight distance at skewed intersections leads to safety issues. A non-skewed intersection provides the best operating conditions as drivers can easily sense the direction in which they are travelling, estimate the speeds of the opposing traffic and smoothly complete a maneuver in shorter time. In skewed intersections, instead, the ability of drivers to recognize any conflicting vehicles diminishes in comparison to right-angle intersections. The logical-deductive approach used in this paper for the determination of accident scenarios is based on an analysis of a large database of incidents, which occurred on several roads in eastern Sicily on 35 skewed intersections at three-legs. The skew angle of the minor leg of all the intersections studied is between 15° and 20°. This research allowed to develop accident scenarios related to particular configurations of intersections, compatible with the Italian rules. Prototypical scenarios are constructed using samples of accidents occurring on a particular type of study area, especially when they are based on files from in-depth investigations. The method used is an inductive approach, based on an examination of each case, grouping together similar cases and building a prototypical scenario using this case grouping. From the in-depth analysis of database accidents 9 prototypical accident scenarios have been identified for the skewed intersections.  相似文献   
通过调查江西省昌樟高速梅林段、梨温高速和泰井高速2006年至2007年单车路侧交通事故,详细记录并分析事故资料,总结出江西省高速公路单车路侧事故的特点以及相应路侧障碍物在路侧事故中的反应特点,提出13种常见路侧障碍物的处理对策。  相似文献   
Road traffic accident fatalities lead to important private and social costs in the metropolitan areas of most low and middle income countries. An important share of these fatalities is due to injuries to the head and the neck. Helmets can provide efficient protection, but many drivers do not use them. We focus on helmet use behavior among motorbike users in Delhi. We use a detailed data set collected for the purpose of the study. To guide our empirical analysis, we rely on a model in which drivers decide on self-protection and self-insurance. The empirical findings suggest that risk-averse drivers are more likely to wear a helmet and that this has no systematic effect on speed. Helmet use also increases with education. Drivers who show a higher awareness of road risks seem to be both more likely to wear a helmet and to speed less. Controlling for risk awareness, we observe that drivers tend to compensate between speed and helmet use. The results can provide a basis for awareness-raising policies. They also show that improvements to the road infrastructure risk leading to risk-compensating behavior.  相似文献   
The 2010 Manila amendments to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW) was adopted by the idea to render the profession more attractive to the seafarers, particularly to cadets. It is possible to ensure greater attraction only by providing suitable and safe working conditions on board to cadets. This study analyses occupational accidents and near misses encountered by ocean going deck cadets, who received A-II/I training, during their sea training. The aim of this study was to determine causal factors influencing work accidents and to propose several recommendations for the safety of deck cadets. A total of 857 officer candidates, who received maritime education at university level in Turkey, were interviewed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used in the study to analyse the occupational accidents. As a result of this study on deck cadets, the most risky areas for work accidents were found to be the deck (39.9%), cargo areas (35.7%), areas used for manoeuvring operations (including winch areas and areas in which berthing, unberthing, and anchoring operations take place) (16.1%), and accommodation areas (8.3%). The most important root causes for occupational accidents were identified as not using personal protective equipment (24.2%), haste (22.6%), and presence in inappropriate places (13.6%). This study offers some important insight into the prevention of occupational accidents, and includes suggestions and advisory opinions of sector representatives. As a result of this study, several recommendations for the prevention of accidents are proposed.  相似文献   
本文首先分析了海事调查英语培训考试大纲,然后在培训考试大纲分析的基础上为不同级别的海事调查官设计该课程的教学内容、教学重点以及教学方式.实践培训课程表明设计的教学内容和方式符合海事调查官的实际工作需求,并取得良好的教学效果.  相似文献   
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